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Club TLG - Want To Be Involved?

Coaches Corner is kicking off an initiative for the 2017/18 season with the launch of Club TLG.

Club TLG comprises of sprint and hurdle coaches and athletes. It has a simple goal of knowledge and experience sharing between all members of the Club. Some examples of this will be transparency regarding training programs, race day preparations, troubleshooting and peer to peer mentoring and collaboration. It is intended to have monthly meet ups throughout the season. Details of the planned winter meet ups are below:
·    Octoberkick off weekend in Dublin. James Hillier from the UK will attend and the weekend will be very hands on and practical workshop focused. Hillier recently had three athletes competing at the World Championships in London.
·     November – weekend camp in midlands with a ‘military’ theme!
·     December – pre-indoor competition meet up, probably in AIT.

There will be on-going sharing and communication through a central file and data sharing location, follow ups and breakaway sessions between the monthly catch ups.
There is already a very broad breadth of coaches and athletes involved from Senior International to Schools and Juvenile Development. There is space for two more coaches. If you feel you would like to be involved, drop an email to and, even if it is to get a better understanding of the concept.
Within Club TLG, everyone will offer something no matter their level of experience or previous success. Nobody will always be right and nobody will always be wrong. Everyone will have something to offer.
The numbers of coaches is limited in Year 1 as it is a pilot and the focus will be to bed down the concept initially and ensure there is an even split of coaches along the experience spectrum.


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